papel amate

Contemporary Wall Art with Origins Dating Back to in 1000 BC

Since 1000 BC, in a beautiful, mist shrouded mountainous region, the Nuju of Sierra Norte Mexico have been making paper from the fibers of tree bark.  Originally, during the Mesoamerica period, this bark paper or papel amate as it is known today, made the long folded manuscripts that contained pictorial histories of the Nuju and their spirit gods.  Since then, the process has evolved into an art form that may still depict the spirit forms, but has grown to encompass woven intricate patterns that are often embellished with the native Otomi embroidery, beads or other indigenous materials.

Just as in the beginning, the Santos Rojas family workshop is continuing the production of papel amate in their tiny, magical village.  While staying true to ancient processes, the artisans continually re-create and transform this ancient art form.

Papel Amate Available to be Shipped to Your Door or Specially Ordered

Papel Amate Wall Art with Otomi Embroidery-Unframed 24" x 47"  Unframed  $180.00-SOLD Custom Order
Papel Amate Unframed-5 Squared Designs in Center 16" x 48"  $140.00 OUT OF STOCK-EMAIL TO RE-ORDER
Papel Amate Wall Art-Unframed-Intricately Woven Center Design 18" x 48" $155.00
Papel Amate with Otomi Embroidery- Red Design Unframed 20 1/2 ” x 33″ $125.00 SOLD-Special
Papel Amate Wall Art with Otomi Embroidery-29" x 46" Unframed- $200.00 SOLD CUSTOM ORDER
Papel Amate Wall Art with Otomi Brown Spirit Wheel Cutout -Unframed--24" x 24"  $125.00
Papel Amate Wall Art with Otomi Embroidery--Embroidery of Two Light Blue Birds  in a Circular Frame and Bordered by an Intricate Design $90.00- SOLD -Custom Order
Papel Amate -Unframed with Otomi Embroidery-16" x 16" -#15 with Large Flower $60.00
Papel Amate Wall Art-Unframed-24" x 70" $275.00
Papel Amate Wall Art-Unframed with 3 Otomi Embroideries-Vertical 12" x 23.5" #1
Papel Amate with Orange Aztec Sun Cutout -Unframed--12" x 18"  $55.00
Papel Amate Wall Art Unframed 16" x 16" $60.00
Papel Amate Wall Art Unframed 16" x 16" Turquoise Otomi Embroidery $60.00
Papel Amate Wall Art Unframed 16" x 16" Turquoise Embroided Bird $60.00
Papel Amate Wall Art Unframed 166" x 16" Yellow Embroidered Rooster
Papel Amate -Unframed 16" x 16' All White Mandala
Papel Amate Wall Art-Brown and White Square Design with  Circle Center-16″ x 16″-$55.00
Papel Amate Wall Art-Unframed-White and Brown Design- Circle Center-16" x 16" $55.00
Papel Amate Wall Art-Unframed-White and Brown Concentric Circle Design-16" x 16" $55.00
Papel Amate -Unframed with Otomi Embroidery-12" x 12" -Fish with Green Leaf $45.00
Papel Amate -Unframed with Otomi Embroidery-12" x 12" -Bird with Green Leaves $45.00
Papel Amate Wall Art- Unframed-Woven Brown ad White Center with Stripe Design-16" x 16" $60.00
Papel Amate Wall Art-Unframed-White and Brown Moon and Sun Design-16″ x 16″ $55.00
Papel Amate Wall Art-Unframed-White and Brown Concentric Circle Design # 2 16" x 16" $55.00
Papel Amate Wall Art -Unframed with Otomi Embroidery-8" x 8" #2 -Striped Animal Design $30.00
Papel Amate Wall Art-Unframed with Otomi Embroidery-8" x 8" # 6 -Striped Animal $30.00
Papel Amate Wall Art -Unframed with Otomi Embroidery-8" x 8" # 5 -Insect with Foliage $30.00
Papel Amate Wall Art-Unframed with Otomi Embroidery-8" x 8" # 7 -Bird and Flower $30.00
Papel Amate Wall Art with Michoacan Embroidery-12" x 12" $30.00
Papel Amate Wall Art with Michoacan Embroidery-12" x 12" Mountain Backdrop $30.00
Papel Amate Wall Art-All White Mandala Design-24" x 24"-$90.00
Papel Amate Wall Art-All White Mandala Design-16" x 16"-$60.00
Papel Amate with Green Cutout of Sun Surrounded by Otomi Gods -Unframed   24" x 24"  $125.00
Papel Amate Wall Art-All White Mandala Design-12" x12"-$25.00
Papel Amate Wall Art -Rustic Style-Moon Design 16″ x 24″ Unframed $50.00 Created entirely from the pulp of tree bark, this papel amate was made in a village workshop in the Northern Sierra Range of Mexico
Wall Art Unframed- Ancient Otomi Design on paper made from tree bark (papel amate) Deep Indigo and Purple Design 16" x 16" $40.00
Papel Amate- Unframed-Painted Vertical- Traditional Otomi Design 15 1/2 x 12  1/2 "  $40.00

Don’t See a Design or Size that Works for Your Space?

Custom Orders Direct from the Workshop can be Easily Arranged.

Email-   or phone 310.650.1785